Can Walmart Make Their Aisles Any Narrower?
Our local Walmart appears to be engaged in a systematic effort to replace lower cost items with more expensive brands. Also note a special cameo appearance by the politically incorrect "fat family." (9/26/2011) |
A Charity Phone Solicitation
Giving to a charity should not be viewed as permission to call...up to four times a day asking for more contributions! (10/5/2011) |
Amusing Myself
Misreading a grocery store sign stirred up visions of an 11 1/2 inch pork chop! (10/12/2011) |
What's That in my Salad?
I would have sworn there were little critters in my spinach salad! (11/5/2011) |
Answer Your Mail, Robert A. Niblock!
I call out the obviously overpaid CEO of Lowe's Home Improvement. (1/7/2012) |
What's Next?
I closed our Educators' News site with its Eleventh Anniversary Edition. (4/30/2012) |
Confessions of a Closet Dyslexic
A few words and suggestions for those living with a reading disability. (8/27/2013) |
GM Doesn't Want My Business
I tried to buy a new truck, but found that GM doesn't want my business! (1/30/2014) |
NBC Nightly News with...a Liar?
NBC's Brian Williams should be fired. (2/6/2015) |