Columns & Editorials
Odds 'n' Ends



Odds 'n' Ends is a new column series for me to house all the stuff I want to say that isn't related or appropriate to my Senior Gardening and Educators' News sites or any of my previous column series.

Can Walmart Make Their Aisles Any Narrower?
Our local Walmart appears to be engaged in a systematic effort to replace lower cost items with more expensive brands. Also note a special cameo appearance by the politically incorrect "fat family." (9/26/2011)
A Charity Phone Solicitation
Giving to a charity should not be viewed as permission to call...up to four times a day asking for more contributions!
Amusing Myself
Misreading a grocery store sign stirred up visions of an 11 1/2 inch pork chop!
What's That in my Salad?
I would have sworn there were little critters in my spinach salad!
Answer Your Mail, Robert A. Niblock!
I call out the obviously overpaid CEO of Lowe's Home Improvement.
What's Next?
I closed our Educators' News site with its Eleventh Anniversary Edition.
Confessions of a Closet Dyslexic
A few words and suggestions for those living with a reading disability.
GM Doesn't Want My Business
I tried to buy a new truck, but found that GM doesn't want my business!
NBC Nightly News with...a Liar?
NBC's Brian Williams should be fired.

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last updated 2/6/2015
©2012-2015 Steven L. Wood