now and then life gives you a little surprise. One of the those
surprises came for me a number of years ago when I found people were
actually willing to pay me to write columns about using Macintosh computers for their web sites! I
wrote the That Other Steve... series for the now defunct MacTimes News Network in 1998-99. The View from the Classroom series ran from 1999-2004, first for a year on Dan Knight's excellent Low-End Mac site and later here on mathdittos2.com. The Busman's Holiday
series has been my personal outlet for whatever editorials and columns
I wanted to put out on the side (1998-present). In 2004 I took early
retirement from teaching, so my "view from the classroom" was gone. I took a job in a college K-12 outreach program that included a lot
of writing for hire, so my output on the MATH DITTOS 2 site went to
about zero. After leaving that position in early 2008, I began adding a few new computer columns to the Busman's Holiday series and also some feature stories from Educators' News, my daily education blog/news site. I also began a new web site, Senior Gardening in 2008. I've listed a few features and recipes from it below.
There's also a page indexed to the machine type
primarily discussed in each column. For those of you hunting repair or
tear-down info on specific Mac, this may be more useful than some of
the titles below.
Senior Gardening Features
Lazy Summer Days (Daze)
A cool drink helps ward off sunstroke as I renovate a garden bed. (August 5, 2008) |
A Cucumber of Distinction
I almost lost my saved seed from the Japanese Long Pickling variety. (August 7, 2008) |
This is a continuing column on how to grow this gorgeous plant. I've started from seed and will update the page periodically. |
A Dry Sump for My Raised Bed
I put a "dry sump" in the center of my raised garden bed to dry things out a bit. (October 8, 2008) |
A Simple Cold Frame
The roughest of rough instructions are supplied for building a small (2'x6') cold frame. (October 27, 2008) |
Growing Geraniums from Seed
If you have the right conditions, growing seed geraniums (geraniums from seed) is relatively easy. (December 1, 2008 - a continuing feature) |
Building a Rasied Garden Bed
Tips and links for building a raised garden bed with large 6"x6" timbers (March 30, 2009) |
Saving Gloxinia Seed
Part 2 of the gloxinia feature - I document the pollination and seed saving process for gloxinias. (October 10, 2009) |
Saving Tomato Seed
A quick, illustrated "how to" on saving tomato seed (October 12, 2009)
A Year in Our Garden
What went well and what didn't in the 2011 Senior Garden (December 28, 2011) |
Flowers in the Senior Garden
A quick look at some of the spectacular flowers that grew around our veggies this year in the Senior Garden (December 30, 2011) |
Succession Planting
How I keep my garden producing all summer long. (June 22, 2012) |
Gloxinia Photos
Photos of gloxinia plants and blooms (October 12, 2012) |
A Year in Our Garden - 2012
A review of what went right and wrong gardening through a droughty summer: lots of pretty pictures included. (December 24, 2012) |
Working to Save a Pea Variety
We worked pretty hard in 2013 to save a pea variety we believed to be on the verge of extinction. It turned out to be a patented seed variety. (October 9, 2013) |
Earlirouge Tomatoes
We grew out some twenty-five year old tomato seed with amazing results. It turns out that the Earlirouge tomato may be an endangered variety that we may help save. (October 11, 2013) |
Growing a Buckwheat Smother/Cover Crop
Buckwheat is not only a great green manure crop, but it also can smother weeds in unused portions of ones garden. (November 7, 2013) |
A Year in Our Garden - 2013
A review of what went right and what didn't in our garden plots this year...with lots of pretty pictures. (December 30, 2013) |
Our Best Garden Photos of 2013
Few words, but some nice pictures (January 5, 2014) |
Transplanting Melons into Heavy Clay Soil
Traditional wisdom says we shouldn't be able to grow good melons on our heavy clay soil. Here's how we amend tiny portions of our soil to grow great melons year after year. (May 8, 2014) |
Onions We Grew in 2014
Sensing that some of our favorite hybrid onion varieties were soon to be discontinued, we trialed nine new-to-us onion varieties this year. (July 28, 2014) |
How We Grow Our Onions
We grow our onions in tight, intensive gardening areas with excellent results. (August 6, 2014) |
Growing Great Melons on Heavy Clay Soil
We grow our melons on an old cornfield with heavy clay soil. We get some melons every year, and great melons many years. (August 25, 2014) |
Some Thoughts on Where to Put a Vegetable Garden
Where you put your garden will have a lot to do with how successful it is. (October 2, 2014) |
Our Best Garden Photos of 2014
Lots of pretty pictures (November 6, 2014) |
The Old Guy's Shopping Guide for Gifts for Gardeners
A page of useful items that make great gifts for gardeners (November 26, 2014) |
Shopping Guide for Gardeners
Things we use in our garden plots (November 29, 2014) |
A Year in Our Garden - 2014
Our garden review for 2014. (December 15, 2014) |
How We Grow Our Carrots
A tutorial on growing carrots in an intensive planting.
(January 21, 2015) |
Sterile Potting Mix
How we make our own sterile potting mix to prevent damping off disease.
(January 27, 2015) |
Growing Great Broccoli and Cauliflower
Growing great broccoli and cauliflower isn't all that difficult. You just have to work around the weather a bit. (February 15, 2015) |
Growing Garlic
Garlic is one of the easiest, most trouble free, and productive crops one can grow in a home garden. Why I waited so long to begin growing it or to write about it is a mystery. (March 29, 2015) |
Mulching with Grass Clippings
We really wouldn't have much of a garden without using grass clippings to mulch our many vegetable plots. (May 16, 2015) |
Growing Your Own Transplants
Growing your own garden transplants allows one more choices in varieties and better timing of the transplants. (September 9, 2015) |
Our Best Garden Photos of 2015
If you take your camera with you into your garden, you're bound to get a few good shots.. (November 4, 2015) |
A Year in Our Garden - 2015
Our garden review for 2015. (December 23, 2015) |
Another Garden Delicacy: Homegrown Peas
Growing peas involves a lot of effort for not much product. It's not really worth the trouble...unless you really love fresh peas. We do! (October 7, 2016) |
Growing Asparagus
How to start and maintain an asparagus patch. (October 12, 2016) |
One Last Raised Garden Bed
Building a raised bed around our shallow well required using untreated lumber. (October 14, 2016) |
End-of-Season Gardening Chores
Not verey sexy, but some fall gardening chores make things a lot easier each spring. (November 1, 2016) |
Our Best Garden Photos of 2016
If you take your camera with you into your garden, you're bound to get a few good shots.. (November 7, 2016) |
A Year in Our Garden - 2016
Our garden review for 2016. (December 10, 2016) |
Earliest Red Sweet Peppers
A few words about our favoritand endangered pepper variety(March 10, 2017) |
Our Tomato (and Pepper) Cages
Years ago, I lucked into how to make some great tomato and pepper cages. (June 6, 2017) |
Whither Seed Savers Exchange
Not all of the Seed Savers Exchange’s work occurs at the Heritage Farm. It’s happening every day on the farms and in the gardens of SSE’s members. It seems that the leadership of the exchange has forgotten its core. (October 9, 2017) |
Our Best Garden Photos of 2017
If you take your camera with you into your garden, you're bound to get a few good shots.. (November, 2017) |
A Year in Our Garden - 2017
Our garden review for 2017. (December 23, 2017) |
Cutworm Collars
How we control cutworms in our Senior Garden.. (March 29, 2018) |
Time to Let Go
Not all of the Seed Savers Exchange’s work occurs at the Heritage Farm. It’s happening every day on the farms and in the gardens of SSE’s members. I'll continue to save and share garden seed, but just not via the SSE. (June 4, 2018) |
Growing Tomatoes
Possibly the hardest how-to I've ever written, as nearly eveeryone knows how to grow tomatoes. This piece tells how we grow ours.. (August 7, 2018) |
Growing a Garden Delicacy: Sweet Corn
Once upon a time, we used to grow 2-4 acres of sweet corn each summer for roadside sales. Since our farming years, growing good sweet corn has proved to be a bit more challenging.. (November 1, 2018) |
Our Best Garden Photos of 2018
Probably not our best year in garden photos. (November 3, 2018) |
A Year in Our Garden - 2018
Our garden review for 2018. (December 19, 2018) |
A Year in Our Garden - 2019
Our garden review for 2019. (December 19, 2018) |
Growing Peppers
Our garden review for 2019. (January 3, 2020) |
Senior Gardening Recipes
Grandma's Yeast Rolls
This is a family recipe handed down to me from my mother. I think she got it from her mother. |
Cinnamon Rolls
This recipe is really part 2 of Grandma's Yeast Rolls. It takes up when the dough has risen the first time and shows how to make some delicious cinnamon rolls. |
Portuguese Kale Soup
An incredible soup from this all but forgotten vegetable |
Asiago Cheese & Tortellini Soup
A local grocery deli stopped selling this delicacy. Rather than go through tortellini withdrawal, we figured out the recipe for ourselves! |
Chicken Salad
When chicken salad got too expensive at the deli, we learned to make our own. |
Texas Nachos
We recreated the old Chi-Chi's recipe for Texas Nachos, but you're on your own for the lime margaritias on the rocks. |
Shrimp Portofino
Another copycat recipe based on the old Romano's Macaroni Grill menu item before they got all healthy and took all the good stuff out of it. Our recipe still qualifies as delicious and as a potential heart-attack-in-a-bowl. |
Refried Kidney Beans
An easy, basic recipe for refried beans using kidney beans instead of pinto beans |
Sweet Pickle Relish
With the help of several online recipes, I finally made some really good sweet relish. |
Selected Features from Educators' News
Out of this World Desktop Pictures
Call them desktops or wallpapers, but desktop photos on student computers can inspire. This one has links to lots of great space and astronomy photos. (July 15, 2002 - links updated 8/24/2010) |
Co:Writer 4000
I found a piece of adaptive software for my students that really helps non-writers write and writers to write better. (January 2, 2003 - updated 4/30/2008) |
Resource Sites for Teachers
A review and listing of resource sites that link to informative and interactive student learning activities. (April 1, 2009 - links updated 9/15/2009) |
The Freewares of 2009
A merry end-of-the-year romp through all the freewares, open source offerings, and free web sites for education that were notable enough to appear on Educators' News. (12/11/2009) |
Diane Ravitch: The Death and Life of the Great American School System
I got to review what should be one of the most important books published on the current, misguided education reform movement. (3/9/2010) |
They're Not Listening!
America's President has stopped listening to teachers about education reform. "This is a time for serious people, Mr. President, and your four years will soon be up." (3/15/2010) |
A Letter to the President
I'm finally publishing the letter I sent President Obama in March. It's obvious to me now that he will not listen to teachers about education reform. (8/17/2010) |
Free Stuff for Teachers, Homeschoolers, and Students
Here's an updated review of the freewares, free web sites, and open source applications that were featured on Educators' News during the last year. (8/23/2010) |
A Disingenuous President
President Obama says one thing about massive standardized testing while his Administration's policy continues to advocate something else. (3/30/2011) |
Turkey of the Week Award "Winners"
A continuing feature on Educators' News "honoring" those whose less-than-admirable actions and/or words merited them our Turkey of the Week Award. (April 12, 2011)
Tenth Anniversary Edition
A special edition of Educators' News celebrating ten years of publication. (April 18, 2011)
The Morning After Edition
I share about 1600 words of rambling fluff about writing in general and Educators' News. (April 22, 2011) |
Free Stuff for Teachers, Homeschoolers, and Students - 2011
Our annual updated review of the freewares, free web sites, and open source applications that have been featured on Educators' News over the last twelve months. (8/23/2011) |
Eleventh Anniversary Edition
A final edition of Educators' News celebrating eleven years online. (April 18, 2012) |
What's Next?
After an eleven year run, why close, and what to do next. (April 30, 2012) |
Odds 'n' Ends
Odds 'n' Ends is a new column series for me to house all the stuff I want to say that isn't related or appropriate to my Senior Gardening and Educators' News sites or any of the other column series shown on this page.
The Busman's Holiday Series
I Love a Good Story
A lost author and a broken shareware are found--still alive and well and working. (10/6/98) |
To Upgrade or Not?
Mac OS 8.5 goes on sale Saturday, August--oops, October 17, 1998. Will the average Mac user care? (10/16/98) |
Why Can't Apple...thoughts while waiting out the OS 8.5 backorder
There are a few price breaks for Mac OS 8.5, but now availability is a question. (10/19/98) |
Other than the stabbing...
Mayhem, murder, and an LC III. No, really just a story on a "broken" LC III. (10/23/98) |
Where're we goin', Apple?
A familiar theme in my columns resurfaces due to unrest in the Mac community over the cancellation of the Cyberdog site and the lack of progress on HyperCard 3.0. (10/30/98) |
Our Power Mac 7200/75
While justly deserving of the Low-End Mac designation as a "road Apple," our 7200 has served us well. (11/22/98) |
One Way Apple Loses Educational Market Share
My school is probably going to go WinTel. Apple helped! Find out how Apple shoots itself in the foot, again! (12/14/98) |
Will Artemis Return from the Grave: Educators Hope for All-in-One Re-release!
The Artemis all-in-one is loved by the few who have one. Many more would love it if Apple would begin selling it again. (12/23/98) |
Yes, Virginia, There Are Santa Clauses
A incredibly generous gift gives rise to an idea of sharing. (1/12/99) |
The Rotten Monitor Series
People often ask me how I can like the Macintosh, but be so aserbic about Apple Computer, Inc. The columns below may explain that and why Apple may still not be back.
Customer Service: Apple Style
Apple's Dirty Laundry
Dirty Laundry Update
How It Came Out
(4/13/99) |
Five Flavored MacEnvy
The new Apple lineup introduced at Macworld Expo will knock your socks off. (1/12/99) |
So far, this update looks pretty good! (5/10/99) |
Access for Macintosh
We really need this app added to the Mac platform. (5/11/99) |
Mac IIfx
I've always wanted a Mac IIfx. It was and is the fastest non-Power Mac ever produced. This one, now seven years old, is on the job daily. (5/11/99 updated 8/22/99) |
PowerMac 7500/G3
I got a little silly around Christmas and played Santa for the kids in my class (and me) with some "new" hardware. This upgraded 7500 has become our workhorse computer. (5/11/99) |
A Macintosh Summer Vacation
Whither summer school? Maybe just some great software will boost your kids summer learning. (5/25/99)
(updated 6/20/2000) |
Trends in Shareware
Does it seem shareware is getting more expensive? Does there seem to be less of it? (6/14/99) |
Disappearing Software
Vintage Macintosh users face the continual problem of where to find compatible software. (6/18/99) |
Something to Remember
The E-rate program wired our nation's schools for the internet. Are our schools wired for computers? (6/22/99) |
The End is Near: Backup Now!
Backing up is about as exciting as watching grass grow. But all drives eventually fail. (6/25/99) |
Orbs, Storage, and a Legacy CD
At a loss for anything worthwhile to write, I fall back on my readers' excellent comments. (6/30/99) |
Christmas in July
Here's my MacWorld Expo wishlist. (7/9/99) |
Disappearing Software, Part II
Vintage Macintosh users may soon see a software archive specifically dedicated to older Mac software. (7/12/99) |
It's a Macintosh Enigma
Ryno Software has ported Geoffrey Kloess's anti-telemarketing program. (7/16/99) |
Expo Musings
I was initially underwhelmed by Apple's new offerings at MacWorld. After a week of looking at what there was, now I'm not so sure. (7/28/99) |
OmniPage, Fred, and ...
Using OCR software to scan pages from readers can add a valuable tool for reading instruction. (8/23/99) |
My Kid Got Married Today
We gave them an iMac, but it wasn't all that easy. (10/2/99) |
Which Apple "Special Event?"
Apple Computer chose to attack several upstanding Mac web sites last week over the publication of possible Kihlei Mac photos. Is Apple continuing a series of actions that could be the beginning of another Apple death spiral? (10/4/99) |
Goodbye MacTimes: You'll Be Missed
The MacTimes domain name is up for sale as the shell of a once excellent site gives up the ghost. (10/21/99) |
Apple Store Customer Service: Grade C-
Apple isn't your friend. They're a big, unfeeling corporation dedicated to making money. (10/29/99) |
I Don't Do Reviews!
Whoa! Did someone jerk my chain? (12/6/99) |
The Last Busman's Holiday...for 1999
A little verbal walk through a year of independent columns. (12/31/99) |
A Note from Andy
Andy Ihnatko sent me an email that presents an interesting and thoughtful rebuttal to "I Don't Do Reviews!" (2/15/2000) |
Illustrated Mac IIci Teardown
I spent a few days cleaning, upgrading, and generally messing around with a 25 MHz powerhouse. (7/7/2000) |
The New Mac Lineup, Hmm...
Apple's new offerings leave a bit to be desired. (7/24/2000) |
A Final Blast for 2000
I make a few intemperate comments on Apple's surrender of the education market as I watch my school go WinTel. (12/31/2000) |
Two Sites I'll Miss and Others That Prosper
Sites come and go, but I'll really miss Tom McKenna's G3 AIO site. (4/13/2001) |
Beware: MacIdiot at Work
I can try to blame it on a cool freeware, but I really mess up sometimes. (6/29/2001) |
Illustrated Power Mac 7500 Teardown
My 7500/G3 gets a much needed cleaning. (7/23/2001) |
The Tin Cup Syndrome
Mac sites are hanging out the tin cup for donations and subscriptions. (2/11/2002) |
Write Yourself a Discount
Why not use affiliate advertising to save yourself a buck or two? (7/14/2003) |
A Rant About Shopping for Freebies
Staples and OfficeMax should be ashamed! (12/1/2003) |
Moving to a Blue & White
I finally gave up on the old beige and moved up to a "new" Blue & White Mac. (10/25/2004) |
Goodbye Saturn
We found we weren't welcome in the Saturn family any more. (11/10/2004) |
A New Computer
Steve gets his first truly new computer in over six years! (11/22/2004) |
MWSF Rumors: Count Two Sales for the "Headless iMac"
If Apple does introduce a new, sub-$500 Macintosh, the old Evil NT Techie and Steve will be near the front of the line of potential buyers! (1/10/2005) |
Just Another Mac Mini Column
After just ten months, I'm replacing my Mini, but not because I didn't like it. (11/14/2005) |
An Ode to my "Slab-O-Mac"
It may not make sense, but I like my 12" Powerbook. (3/8/2008) |
Awareness Overload
After glancing at the morning paper, I realized how negligent I'd been in missing the National Foot Health Awareness Month. (4/10/2008) |
A Stroll Down Mac Memory Lane
I just wanted to test an old downloadable file, and ended up playing around in Mac OS 7, 8, and 9! (5/16/2008) |
A Day Off & A New Camera
My digital camera made a quick trip down the stairs. A Nikon Coolpix P60 now serves as a quick, "inexpensive" replacement. (10/27/2008) |
A Day Off & A New Camera: Part II
After two months of using my new Nikon Coolpix P60, I've found a couple of real problems and a whole lot of joys with it. (12/12/2008) |
Living with Satellite Internet
I share a few experiences gleaned from three years of satellite internet use. (9/5/2011) |
A Mini Takes Over
After seven years, my G5 tower failed. I replaced it with a "new" (to me) mid-2010 Mac Mini. (2/28/2012) |
Troubleshooting My "New" Mac Mini
I went for a month with virtually no problems on the used Mac Mini I'd switched to. Then everything slowed down and stuff started crashing, but it was all due to some really old browser plug-ins I'd brought along to my new Mac in its setup. (3/28/2012) |
Working with Sheepshaver
I 'd tried, unsuccessfully, to use Sheepshaver years ago. This time around the Classic Mac OS emulator installed flawlessly...twice. (6/27/2012) |
Moving to Mountain Lion
I'm not usually an early adopter of new operating systems. But this time around, I grabbed Mountain Lion the day it was released and installed it on my new MacBook Pro. (7/28/2012) |
A New Laptop: My 13.3" MacBook Pro
Just a few observations about my new MacBook Pro. (8/1/2012) |
View from the Classroom -- The Fifth Year
View from the Classroom -- The Fourth Year
View from the Classroom -- The Third Year
View from the Classroom -- The Second Year
View from the Classroom -- The First Year
The first year of View from the Classroom were originally published on Dan Knight's excellent Low End Mac site and remain available on that site as well as on mathdittos2.com.
A Menagerie of Macs
While I didn't reach my goal of 5 multimedia computers for my classrom last year, this year we've got it knocked. (9/27/99) |
Troubleshooting 101
Grandma T always said, "If it doesn't work, give it a good rap." It
always worked with us kids and sometimes it works with computers! (10/6/99) |
This Week's "Non-Column"
Even when you have good ideas for a column, things just go all wrong. (10/15/99) |
Lab Fun
I always thought setting up a lab would be fun. It is, but it's serious work. (10/25/99) |
Is Steve Fiddling While Apple's Ed Marketshare Burns?
The title sorta says it all, doesn't it? (11/1/99) |
Home Page Lives!
Follow me through a conflict test that "saves" Home Page for me on OS 9. (11/3/99) |
Mac OS 9: I Think I Like It!
With just a few qualifications, OS 9 is a real winner when it comes to system stability. (11/8/99) |
Teacher Tools 1: AppleWorks
Without a doubt, AppleWorks is the biggest gun in my bag of "teacher apps." (11/15/99) |
Teacher Tools 2: Gradebooks
Ho-hum! But then, how I do a series on teacher tools without doing gradebooks? (11/22/99) |
Teacher Tools 3: Teachers Love "Free"
Freeware education apps recommended by the readers. (11/29/99) |
Blue Monday
A failed power supply starts a crummy week that ends well with news of...well, you need to read it. (12/6/99) |
Teacher Tools 4: A Roll-Your-Own Spelling Program
A "sure thing" self image builder for our kids turned into a pretty passable spelling program. (12/13/99) |
A Mini-Tour of my Mac
What do I use when writing my columns? (12/20/99) |
The Required New Years Column: Avoiding Complacency
A Mac lover looks at the year past--and all is not rosy. (12/27/99) |
Adoption Notice for an SE/30
An SE/30 finds a new lease on life in a fifth grade classroom. (1/3/2000) |
Older Macs
A friend called about her "new" Mac IIci. (1/10/2000) |
Performa 575 to PowerMac 575
Illustrated upgrade instructions for the Performa/LC 5xx series. (2/7/2000) |
Making Your PC Work With Your Mac
Here's a little recipe for PC and Mac compatibility for we AppleWorks users. (2/14/2000) |
Has Apple Ceded the Education Market?
It's been 18 months since the cancellation of the last Mac made
specifically for the education market. Has Apple given up on the ed
market? (2/21/2000) |
Hard Drives...Bigger and Cheaper
There's never been a better time to spring for a giant hard drive upgrade. (3/6/2000) |
A Mac IIcx for a Friend
I got ahold of a couple of "freebie" Macs and set one up for my teaching assistant. (3/13/2000) |
Adobe Isn't Making Many Friends
Adobe's recent attempted ripoff of InDesign users reminds us that they still haven't met their committments for Acrobat 4. (3/20/2000) |
Going Wintel...for a Month
Each year at this time I end up using Windows for a month for about 90% of my computing. (3/29/2000) |
Going Wintel...for a Month: Week 2
This week I wrestle a 500 pound grizzly bear. Actually, I do a crummy install of a new print driver. (4/3/2000) |
Troubleshooting my Mac IIfx
I was really tempted to just shoot it and put it out of its misery. But I finally lucked into a simple cure. (4/10/2000) |
Going Wintel...for a Month: Conclusion
I survived and it wasn't really all that bad. (4/17/2000) |
Improving the User Experience?
Maybe it's time for Apple to let the Users Groups and Mac magazines distribute software updates again. (4/25/2000) |
I'm Still Glad I Bought Beige
With all the new features and lower prices, I'm still glad I jumped into G3 computing when I did. (5/2/2000) |
In Search of a Web Host
My web host jumped ship, but I found a new one without too much wear and tear. (5/9/2000) |
Gone Fishing for the Summer
I'm taking a bit of time off. After a few months, maybe my objectivity will return. (6/13/2000) |
That Other Steve... Series
the passing of the MacTimes News Network, the That Other Steve...
series of columns (8/98-1/99) became unavailable online. I don't own
the copyright to these columns and can't post them myself. Fortunately,
the Internet Archive Wayback Machine has archived the series.
Claris...Filemaker...Maybe Nothing
Once mighty Claris has been systematically dismantled. There's almost nothing left. What was lost? (8/9/98) |
So far, so good
The iMac rollout is going to be great. But Apple needs to quickly find more retail outlets that will present the Macintosh well. (8/11/98) |
iMac Rollout:Indianapolis CompUSA
Apple Computer threw a party for us all. I attended the Indianapolis version. (8/16/98) |
Ten Back-to-School Sharewares
This column reviews ten educational sharewares that are all under 1 MB downloads and work on a variety of Macs. (8/24/98) |
Customer "Service"
Ever have a really rotten round of web buying. (8/31/98) |
Fabulous Freewares
These are the kinds of Mac apps, control panels, etc. that make working on a Mac so special. (9/4/98) |
Free? From Apple?
the "new" Apple, it sometimes seems they're trying to milk every cent
they can out of everything. They probably are! But there are a lot of
great free postings on Apple's site. (9/9/98) |
OS X for Everyone
Apple's OS for the future explained in layman's terms. (9/15/98) |
Free Em@iler
Computer appears ready to allow their once-shining email client to die
of neglect. Mac users are up in arms, but no one in Cupertino is
listening...again. (9/22/98) |
Conspiracy Theory
Did Apple and Microsoft cut a deal on browsers and email clients? (9/29/98) |
I Love A Good Story and Other Prophylactics
A "lost" shareware and its author are found. Also, there are some erudite reader comments from the two previous articles. (10/8/98) |
The Name Game...or, playing with Sherlock
I put Apple's new web search engine through its paces. It comes up better than some of its reviews! (10/27/98) |
Steved Again? Angst and Anger as Apple's Ax Bites Deep
This is the MacTimes version of "Where're we goin', Apple? (10/30/98) |
Apples and Oranges, but no Lemons: OrangeMicro PC
OrangeMicro continues to crank out quality PC cards for the Macintosh. (11/3/98) |
OS 8.5: Time for Apple to Apologize
I've gotten used to Apple hitting a home run each time at bat with
System 8, the G3's and the iMac. But on System 8.5, I think they need
to say, "I'm sorry!" (11/10/98) |
Free Access, Premium Services, Bargains . . . I'm ISP-Hopping Again
What do you do when your ISP's service declines and the rates go up? You do the ISP Hop! (11/17/98) |
SE Fever: The Lure (and Reward) of Vintage Computing
The charm of these machines is irresistable...if you don't have to do all your computing on them. (11/24/98) |
Kee Nethery's Kagi Shareware: Try Before You Buy
The standard in Macintosh shareware registrations (12/1/98) |
More SE Fever
Readers wrote this column. Look at their thoughts on the SE and uses for them. (12/8/98) |
The Real Steve Delivers an Early Christmas Present
Steve Jobs "wowed" me with his comments at the Cause98 conference. See why! (12/15/98) |
Will Artemis Return from the Grave: Educators Hope for All-in-One Re-release!
The Artemis all-in-one is loved by the few who have one. Many more would love it if Apple would begin selling it again. (12/23/98) |
The Year of Mac: Christmas Bloat and New Year's Mayhem
An incredible year for Apple and the Mac platform. (12/29/98) |
Losing Educational Market Share: One Apple Rep at a Time
I respond to our Apple reps comments on "One Way Apple Loses Educational Market Share." (1/5/99) |
A Mixed Marriage
is a column I'd kept promising I'd finish for my editor. Now that he's
moved on to other pursuits, it's finally done. And, it's my last piece
for MacTimes. (1/15/99) |